Monday, January 31, 2005

This is the Superman cake my wife, Robin, made for my 27th birthday. She made a two-layer yellow cake, iced it with buttercream icing, then covered it with white fondant. The shield was printed from the internet, cut out for a pattern, then transferred to colored fondant in two layers, for the two colors. Man, I love my wife. Posted by Hello

Friday, January 28, 2005

Big surprise

Well, it's the Friday before my birthday and in my neck of the woods, the forecast calls for snow. I swear, every year, my birthday gets the worst weather.

I "talked" to an old friend this morning. I remember when Jason, Phil, Erin and I all promised each other at the end of high school that we would never lose touch. Now, Erin is married to a great guy and living in Ireland, Phil and I haven't talked since I moved to Harrison and Jason and I don't see each other but maybe once a year.

Don't get me wrong, I want them to be happy, have their own lives and do their own thing but it still makes me sad. Especially since Erin, Jason and I all have our birthdays about the same time. BTW, Happy Birthday Jason and a belated Happy Birthday to Erin and say hi! to Alan for us.

I'm going to cut it short today so I can enjoy the food day my co-workers put together for me.


Thursday, January 27, 2005

Que paws?

Que pas?
Originally uploaded by bluefox75.
This is Callie, or Calliope 'The Muse." You wouldn't know it by looking at her, but she is the most neurotic lifeform I know, besides my wife.

Something different

I'll be the first to admit that my wife and I discuss some really odd things. And the range of topics we manage to cover in the course of a simple conversation can sometimes be a bit frightening. I usually don't recall the catalyst of our weird dialogues, but I imagine it usually stems from the random thoughts I experience a million times a day.

I remember once discussing comic book characters with Robin, who, strangely enough, finds an interest in my collection of trivia, backstory and nuances where the alternatively empowered is concerned.

Anyway, I think we were discussing the powers of several different characters when I burst out with a few odd powers that I would like to see in a book. Something along the lines of others students at Xavier's or possibly the rejects from the Legion of Super-Heroes, like Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, which I remember seeing in a Legion origin story from a book published in the late 70s.

I do ramble, don't I?

In the conversation, I apparently produced a few characters with very wierd and incredibly useless abilities. For instance, a man whose sole power is that he can produce, from his tear ducts, puzzle pieces which, when assembled, create the backs of cereal boxes from the late 70s. I also may have added or considered that he could also cry pieces which formed the subscription cards from magazines, however the vital address info was always incomplete.

Wow, I am so long-winded.

I guess my point of all this is that my wife, the incomparable Robin, still remembers that and still finds it fascinating. She will sometimes bring it up to people we visit with or sometimes complete strangers. She seems to take pride in sharing what she calls my "brilliant mind," but I think she is easily amused and a little prejudiced.

I wonder what will finally convince her that I'm merely a complete flake...


Wednesday, January 26, 2005

GoGo Boots

Originally uploaded by bluefox75.
I found GoGo lounging in my pants. Sorry about the mess beneath her.

resting cats

resting cats
Originally uploaded by bluefox75.
Here is an older picture of our three cats, from left, Calliope 'The Muse', GoGo Boots and Tori Nibbler. I swear this wasn't posed!


Originally uploaded by bluefox75.
Here is my little goth, Robin. We've been married almost 3 years. I couldn't be more happy, even though she often confuses the hell out of me.

Robin has her own blog now, too. Check it out at

Welcome to Get Lost!

I stumbled across this at work today and thought, "I'm getting paid to be here, why not do something to entertain myself?"
So, I now have a blog. Who knows where this will go and who knows when I'll lose interest and forget that I have this thing and wander off?
But, I guess since I took the time to set this up, I might as well use it. Besides, there might be some poor sap out there that will find my ramblings amusing and start a cult based on me.

A thought

I had a disturbing thought last night. (I actually have many disturbing thoughts throughout the day, but let's focus on one for now.)
My birthday is coming up in a few days and while I'm excited about it, I realized that my brother is a lot older than I am. We are separated by 7 years, so that makes him almost 34. I know that 34 isn't old and he won't be collecting Social Security for a while yet, but I somehow feel even more removed from him.

I suppose it doesn't really separate us, but man is he old....

But seriuosly, I think my little goth girl is more excited about my birthday than I am. She has made it her mission to ensure that my birthday is something special every year, since I apparently had a "lousy" childhood. Thing is, don't we all have terribly depressing childhoods? Sure, we can have everything handed to us or we can really have a BAD childhood. But doesn't every adult look back and wish things had been different? I personally think, and I try to convince Robin of this often, that the events of childhood shape us into the adults we eventually become, whether good or bad.

If I had, for instance, been blessed with more toys as a little boy, would I feel the need to fill up my house with toys as an adult? Probably not.

Why did I start writing this?

Sorry for waxing philisophical on you....
