I'll be the first to admit that my wife and I discuss some really odd things. And the range of topics we manage to cover in the course of a simple conversation can sometimes be a bit frightening. I usually don't recall the catalyst of our weird dialogues, but I imagine it usually stems from the random thoughts I experience a million times a day. I remember once discussing comic book characters with Robin, who, strangely enough, finds an interest in my collection of trivia, backstory and nuances where the alternatively empowered is concerned.
Anyway, I think we were discussing the powers of several different characters when I burst out with a few odd powers that I would like to see in a book. Something along the lines of others students at Xavier's or possibly the rejects from the Legion of Super-Heroes, like Arm-Fall-Off-Boy, which I remember seeing in a Legion origin story from a book published in the late 70s.
I do ramble, don't I?
In the conversation, I apparently produced a few characters with very wierd and incredibly useless abilities. For instance, a man whose sole power is that he can produce, from his tear ducts, puzzle pieces which, when assembled, create the backs of cereal boxes from the late 70s. I also may have added or considered that he could also cry pieces which formed the subscription cards from magazines, however the vital address info was always incomplete.
Wow, I am so long-winded.
I guess my point of all this is that my wife, the incomparable Robin, still remembers that and still finds it fascinating. She will sometimes bring it up to people we visit with or sometimes complete strangers. She seems to take pride in sharing what she calls my "brilliant mind," but I think she is easily amused and a little prejudiced.
I wonder what will finally convince her that I'm merely a complete flake...