Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Cancer sucks

I never thought much about cancer, aside from the terrible memories from my childhood, when I watched a very good friend of mine being slowly consumed by leukemia. I guess I tried to deal with it by not worrying about it.

However, in the last few years, I've had no choice other than to give it my undivided attention.

My grandfather, the one I spent the most time with growing up, has been fighting cancer for about 3 years now and while he has won some battles, it seems the war is largely of the uphill variety.

He was admitted to his local hospital a couple of weeks ago with some digestive symptoms and then transferred to a larger hospital last week, where he underwent exploratory surgery last Friday.

The prognosis wasn't so good. He apparently is now riddled with malignant tumors. They were found in his liver, his colon, in the lining of his stomach and the doctors think there is a 90% chance he may have cancer in his lungs, too.

The only option is chemotherapy, but he refuses to go through that again. It nearly killed him the last time. Do I think this is a bad idea? No. He very nearly wasted away before and why should he go through it again? But still, cancer sucks.


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