Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Snow, snow, snow

Well, we had a bunch of snow dumped on us last night. And unfortunately, Harrison is full of hills, including the one we live on. We had no trouble getting down the hill, but getting back up will be fun this evening.

I had a thought this morning, as I was getting ready for work. I noticed Tori lounging at the window, as she so often does, and it occured to me that Tori may not know what snow is. Would a domestic cat who has never been outside know what all this lovely white crap is?

I know that cats can't see all colors, but snow (unless it's yellow) is white, so they can see that, right?

Also, would a cat like playing in the snow? Personally, the allure of playing in the stuff always escaped me. I often had to work in it but I didn't see the point in rolling in it.

I am in full on ramble mode today it seems. I'll spare what few readers I have the pleasure of that and end this here.


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