Tuesday, June 07, 2005

I'm back!

I've been absent but I have a good reason, I promise. Robin and I have finally moved into our new house. No, we didn't buy a house; we moved into Robin's mom's house. Glenda got married in December but never committed to moving her stuff out. Robin and I had planned on moving in by June but were hampered by the aforementioned lacksadaisical attitude towards leaving and cleaving.

After deciding to take matters into our own hands, much covered in latex gloves and anti-bacterial cleansers, we managed to pack up all of Glenda's things and clear the house. We then proceeded to move our multitude of sh**, I mean treasured possessions in.

This endeavor was accompanied by many curses, grunts, arguments and myself being nearly crushed by a toppling refrigerator. No worries, I caught it...on my forearms. Oh, the bruises....

Now, we are completely moved. All that's left is the unpacking....I'll never move again.


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