Monday, October 31, 2005

Halloween thought

I was driving to work this morning, listening to the Rocky Horror Picture Show soundtrack, as I do every Halloween and several times throughout the year. All well and good. Then, it struck me, this is the first Halloween since the 10th grade that I didn't have my friend Erin around. True, since I moved to Harrison almost five years ago, I hadn't seen Erin that much but I could always call her. Now, though, she's living in Ireland with her hubby Alan. Calling her is a bit more complex now.

Why is Erin relevant to RHPS? Well, it was Erin who introduced me to the subtleties and true wonder of that delightful movie. I had seen the film before, in fact, I bought a copy of it on VHS at the Unicorn music store that used to be in Harrison. That was many years ago. (Odd how I've come back so much later.) Erin had me over to her house around Halloween in '94 to catch the live showing of RHPS on VH1 and she taught me the audience particpation lyrics and prompts. Now, I think of Erin any time I listen to the music or see a refrence in a book or movie and I'll be thinking of her tonight while Robin and I watch it. While watching it with Robin will be wonderful, I'll feel a little sad that Erin won't be around to sing Columbia's parts or to laugh at me mimicking Rocky's facial expressions.

Some have questioned my orientation because I enjoy this movie and other musicals. Any one who doubts my preference has but to ask my wife. She has to fend me off almost constantly.


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