Thursday, October 20, 2005

My addiction

Robin and I are both habit-minded individuals (not the nun's clothing, though that is provoking) so it comes as no surprise that we not only collect things, we collect hobbies. But our DVD collection is surely no longer a hobby but an addiction. We are both movie buffs and have our own tastes: Robin is into vampires, Milla Jovovich, anime and odd horror movies. I'm into comedies, sci-fi, fantasy and odd horror movies. Go figure...

In the last couple of years, we have really been drawn to amassing a horde of DVDs. We don't even actively seek new DVDs anymore (no, really) but we somehow gain them anyway. I swear, they just jump into our hands or cart. Wal-Mart has really been the enabler here. Since our local store started having those damned bargain bins, we can't help ourselves. Now, we look for the bargain bins at other stores. It really is pathetic.

So, in an attempt to validate our sickness, we started having movie marathons, complete with themes and holiday connections. Our Halloween marathon is coming up fast and we had to track down some new movies to put on the list. Our theme this year began as funny vampire (Love at First Bite) movies, then morphed into unintentionally funny horror movies (like Dracula Rising, don't ask) and now is hovering around an odd combination of both. It's weird, I know.

We also plan on having a Christmas marathon again this year, replete with all the classics (except for It's a Wonderful Life, I hate that movie!). We usually buy a bunch of goodies and bundle up together and just really lose ourselves in the films that shaped our young minds. Laugh now, if you wish.

So, our out-of-control addiction now hovers just below 500 DVDs but we have around 25 on various layaways and a few just waiting to be released in the next two weeks. So, 500 will be topped very shortly.

I don't really know why I started this post, maybe to brag or I'm hoping for an intervention. To truly appreciate our weakness, check out my online database. Be sure to look under the ordered tab to get the true effect.

Mock us if you wish but for God's sake, don't encourage us....OK, you can egg us on if you want. Or, at least, point us in the direction of a DVD sale!


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